Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wk4 Publishing/Leadership project part 2 of 2: Plan A & B

Previosly on my Blog…
Plan A: Technology Leadership for 21st Century Learning
Deadline: March 1st 2011, Where: Storm Lake Iowa, When: June 20 - 22, 2011
This conference is less then an hour away and located at a college that I’m a graduate of.  Since the conference deadline is passed due, I’ve sent the organizer I pleasant request to present if space is available.  I hope to here a reply from her tomorrow, April 21st.   

Plan B: Illinois Education & Technology Conference 
Deadline: May 6th 2011, Where: Springfield, IL, When: November 15-16, 2011.  This conference is about accelerating student achievement with the use of educational technologies.  IETC looks like a winner because it is geographically close to me, provides its attendees a variety of learning activities in addition to a chance for them to win prizes.

New discoveries for Plan B: Illinois Education & Technology Conference
Upon further investigation I’ve discovered that presenter benefits include conference fees waived, continental breakfasts, and luncheons.  Presentations will be reviewed the week of May 8 and notification of acceptance status will be emailed that following week.  May 8th is on a Sunday this year; meaning that I could get a reply sometime during May 15th – 21st at the latest.  The conference audience consists of anyone interested in educational technology in Illinois.  According to the IETC proposal site, my presentation type can only be one of these listed: 50-minute concurrent session, poster session, or 2-hour workshop.  Either a poster or 50-minute concurrent session will be my choice. I’ll need to contact them to find out what a poster session would look like. The format of my presentation can only consist of one of these: discussion, panel, demonstration, Bring Your Own Laptop (BYOL) interactive format, or Either Demonstration or BYOL.  My top choice for format is “discussion”.


1 comment:

  1. I just received a email saying that the plan "A" conference is extending their deadline. I will sign up tomorrow! :0)
